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Astra vs The-7 Theme comparison [2024] 💥

Astra vs The-7

Astra Theme (The-7 vs Astra)

Astra is like the Flash of Wordpress themes, super fast and reliable!

Astra Theme Review

In this fun-filled Astra Theme review for [2024], imagine over 2,369,964 users donning their capes and choosing Astra for their websites. Why? Because Astra isn’t just built; it’s forged with the precision of Iron Man’s armor. It's designed to create visually stunning and highly responsive online shops, with speeds rivaling the fastest heroes.

The team behind Astra didn’t just release a theme; they unleashed a force in web design, quickly rising in popularity like a chart-topping hit. When it comes to performance, especially speed, the only theme that comes close is GeneratePress. But for overall excellence and features, Astra stands out, much like a superhero in a blockbuster movie.


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Speed is crucial: faster websites tend to rank higher on Google, much like a superhero soaring to the top. Speed boosts user engagement, keeping visitors on your site like a magnet. In today’s digital world, speed is a golden ticket to online success.

Choosing Astra means your website is in the hands of speed optimization experts. Imagine your online store as a high-speed race car: the faster it performs, the more smoothly it guides customers through the checkout process. Astra isn’t just about looks; it’s about performance, making your website lightning-fast.

Astra 4.0 just got released

Astra 4.0 release

The launch of Astra 4.0 marks a big leap forward in the evolution of WordPress themes. Start with the overview video linked above to get a quick peek at its new features. Then, dive into the rest of this article for a detailed exploration. Astra has been a top player in the WordPress theme arena, continually evolving to meet users' needs.

Astra 4.0 further solidifies its status as a must-have for any WordPress user. Whether you're a veteran developer or a newbie, Astra 4.0's combination of flexibility, power, and ease of use makes it a powerhouse for building engaging, responsive websites.

Spectra 2.0 out now

Spectra 2.0 release in Astra

The integration of Spectra 2.0 into the Astra Theme adds a new level of functionality and ease to website creation. Spectra 2.0, Astra’s own page builder, brings diverse widgets and a smooth user experience. This elevates Astra from a top-tier theme to a comprehensive solution for both beginners and seasoned developers.

Astra free & pro rating

Astra theme review rating

Curious about Astra's popularity? Check out WordPress.org and see Astra's acclaim – it's widely celebrated with numerous 5-star ratings. The free version of Astra powers over a million websites, and with the Pro version, that number reaches an impressive 1.6 million. This widespread use highlights Astra’s significant impact in the web design world.

Astra webshops

Think of Astra as your ultimate partner in boosting online sales. It goes beyond aesthetics to effectively turn visitors into customers. An Astra-powered online store is like a high-speed sports car in a field of bicycles – it’s all about superior speed. Want to see Astra outpace the competition? Visit this page on the Astra website for speed test comparisons with over 50 other themes. These tests, conducted by SEO experts, highlight Astra’s exceptional performance.

Astra Theme Review - fast charging shops

On this page, you’ll find details about the Astra and WooCommerce combo. A fast-loading webshop is great for user experience and for climbing Google’s search rankings. With Astra, your online store can zoom up Google’s SERP, attracting more visitors and keeping them engaged.

Astra Theme Review Woo Webshops

Welcome to Astra's world, where setting up your online shop is easy and user-friendly. Years ago, this might have seemed like a dream, but today, Astra ensures smooth compatibility with many WooCommerce plugins, managing integrations like a pro.

But that’s just the start. Astra comes with modern features to make your webshop stand out. These include Infinite Scroll for continuous product browsing, flexible grid settings, an off-canvas sidebar, Quickview for speedy shopping, a dropdown cart for convenience, and more. Check out these features here. You’ll also find ready-to-use demo sites for one-click integration, simplifying your design process.

Astra Theme Review Woocommerce Demo Webshops

Astra starter demos

Get ready to be wowed by Astra’s collection of 180 complete website designs. These aren’t just templates; they’re fully-fledged websites ready for use. It’s like having a superhero costume for every occasion. Choose a design, add your branding, and launch a sophisticated website instantly. These demos, crafted by Astra’s expert team, offer a variety of design possibilities compatible with four different page builders.

Astra Theme review starter templates

Astra's responsiveness is beyond the norm. It's like the theme has undergone special training to be exceptional in mobile e-commerce. The focus isn't just on looks; there's a significant effort to make sure the mobile version of your site is super user-friendly. As mobile shopping becomes more common, this feature is increasingly essential. It wouldn't be surprising to see more than half of online shoppers using their mobile devices in the near future.

Moreover, Astra provides extensive customization options for the checkout process, shopping cart, and product pages, all without needing complex coding skills. A seamless checkout experience is crucial as a complicated one can quickly deter customers. Astra ensures a smooth and enjoyable shopping journey. The Astra team's approach to e-commerce solutions isn't just innovative; it's a complete rethinking of what's possible in online retail.

Astra loading time

Examining Astra's performance reveals that it takes loading times very seriously, achieving impressively fast speeds. Its performance in Google, GTmetrix, Y-Slow, and Pingdom tests is consistently excellent, as if the theme has been optimized with a special speed-boosting formula. The results are clear: Astra's superior performance shines through. In terms of competition, GeneratePress is the closest contender. The data below demonstrates Astra's top rankings in speed tests, significantly outperforming slower themes.

Astra Theme review loading time

Astra and pagebuilders

Astra pairs perfectly with the Elementor page builder...

Using Astra feels like having an intuitive control over your website, combining ease of use with enjoyment. It offers a streamlined panel and integration with the WordPress customizer for a seamless experience. Astra works exceptionally well with renowned page builders, especially Elementor. The combination of Astra Pro and Elementor Pro is harmonious and efficient, like two perfectly matched components. For those on a budget, both Astra and Elementor offer free versions. While these may have fewer features, they still provide a substantial and enjoyable user experience.

Elementor in Astra

Elementor pagebuilder review

Astra schema markup

Ever wanted to clearly communicate your page's content to search engines? This is where Schema markup is crucial. These structured data snippets help search engines understand the context and content of your pages. It's like giving search engines a clearer, more direct view of your site’s content. Astra simplifies this process by automatically incorporating Schema markup into your pages, as detailed here. This feature acts like an unseen assistant within Astra, working to boost your website's visibility and performance in search results, playing a key role in your SEO strategy.

Astra Theme Review Schema

Astra and LearnDash

Imagine yourself as a creator of online courses, with Astra and LearnDash as your essential tools. Creating an online course using Astra combined with LearnDash is a smooth and enjoyable process, like assembling a complex structure with ease. Astra offers a wide range of design options and features, making your online course as captivating as a top-rated TV show.

LearnDash, on the other hand, orchestrates your website's structure, creating an environment conducive to learning and conversion. The synergy of Astra's design flexibility and LearnDash's structured approach results in more than just a website – it's an immersive digital learning experience. Embrace this opportunity to craft an exceptional online course.

Astra Theme Review Learndash

Astra and LifterLMS

Combining Astra with LifterLMS gives you a powerful duo in online education. Astra excels as the design expert, providing full control over your website's look and functionality. Whether you want the sophistication of a high-end magazine or the versatility of a multifunctional tool, Astra supports your vision.

Integrating LifterLMS enhances your site's educational capabilities. It creates a focused learning environment, minimizing distractions and optimizing user engagement. The synergy between LifterLMS's educational framework and Astra's design capabilities not only facilitates learning but also boosts conversion efficiency. Together, Astra and LifterLMS elevate your website to the pinnacle of online learning platforms.

Astra Theme Review Lifter-LMS

Astra headers, footers, 404

Introducing Astra Transparent Headers, Astra Custom Header, and Astra Custom Footers – PRO features that add a sophisticated edge to your website. These tools act as your digital design experts, allowing you to create customized headers and footers easily, without technical skills. Picture crafting your site's header and footer as elegantly as a tuxedo or as casually as sneakers, achievable through simple clicks. Even the often overlooked 404 pages can be enhanced for a cohesive look. Moreover, you can tailor these elements differently for various user groups, offering a bespoke experience. It's like having creative control and strategic oversight over your website's navigation areas.

Astra Theme review Headers Footers

Astra more features

Astra offers a wide range of features, which you can explore in detail here. This comprehensive list showcases the extensive functionalities available in Astra. We recommend taking the time to review these features, as they collectively represent a significant array of tools and options that can enhance your website's capabilities.

Astra Theme Review more features

Astra theme review conclusion

This wraps up our thorough review of the Astra Theme. If you've made it this far, thank you for sticking with us! It's evident that Astra isn't just another choice in the web design universe; it stands out distinctly. The Astra PRO version, in particular, offers superior capabilities compared to the free version, much like comparing a gourmet meal to fast food. Personally, I find the combination of Astra and Elementor to be an excellent duo, allowing for sophisticated and seamless web design. Astra holds its own against the Divi Theme, known for its versatility and readiness to tackle various challenges. And as for Astra's drawbacks? They're as rare as finding a needle in a perfectly organized haystack.

Astra theme pricing

At an annual cost of just $59, Astra offers exceptional value. Imagine being able to deploy on unlimited sites for such an affordable fee. It's like enjoying an all-you-can-eat buffet for the price of a simple snack. In contrast, many other themes require separate fees per site, similar to pricey cafes charging per item. For those with a bigger budget, consider enhancing your Astra experience with one of their bundle packages, which often come with significant discounts, making them perfect for businesses aiming for excellence in web design. Astra's policy of unlimited use, whether for a single site or multiple projects, underscores its commitment to providing outstanding value. If Astra were a superhero, it would definitely be celebrated for its 'Value for Money'. Additionally, the lifetime deals offer long-term benefits and savings, like finding hidden treasure.

Visit Astra theme

The-7 Theme (The-7 vs Astra)

The-7 Theme review

Buckle up for a thrilling review of The-7 Theme! We're diving deep into the world of The-7, sharing the highs, the lows, and everything in between. The7, created by Dream-Theme, launched in September 2013, and has since taken the WordPress world by storm. As of [2024], this stylish theme has charmed its way into the hearts (and websites) of over 273,569 users and boasts a stellar 4.75 out of 5 stars from 7476 ratings on Themeforest. Talk about star power! Few themes can claim such widespread acclaim.

New: Elementor integration

Guess who's teamed up with the Elementor page builder? That's right, The-7 is now part of the Elementor family. This partnership is like Batman and Robin – a dynamic duo! Elementor isn't just any page builder; it's the gold standard for WordPress, as you can see on our list of best page builders.

This is like giving your theme a superhero upgrade. But why stop at great when you can go for extraordinary? Upgrading to the PRO version of Elementor is like turning your theme into a page-building wizard!

The-7 Theme review Elementor

The-7 demo websites

Hold onto your hats, folks! The7 brings you a whopping 40+ ready-to-use demo websites that you can install with a single click. It's like having a genie in a bottle, but for websites! Whether your passion is knitting, skydiving, or underwater basket weaving, there's a stunning layout waiting just for you. So, grab those demos, swap in your dazzling images and witty texts, and voilà – you'll have a website that screams 'you' in no time!

The-7 Theme review demo sites

The7 review: 1000+ theme options

Prepare to be amazed! The-7 theme is like a Swiss Army knife – versatile doesn't even begin to cover it. While I haven’t counted every single option (who has the time?), the masterminds at Dream-Theme claim The7 is packed with over 1000 theme options and 250+ page options. It's like they've bundled an entire theme amusement park into one package.

1000+ theme options and 250+ page options


Ready for some techy treats? The theme comes supercharged with a full version of the WP Bakery page builder, the maestro behind all those nifty shortcodes. This page builder is like the golden ticket of the web world, usually costing a cool $64. But wait, there's more! The7 packs nearly $200 worth of extra third-party plugin goodies.

Mixing themes and shortcodes is like pairing socks with sandals – it’s not always a great idea. You want your shortcodes to still work smoothly even after you switch themes. With The7, it's a bit of a 'buy it to keep it' deal for the plugin, at an additional $64. But hey, adding shortcodes with the WP Bakery page builder is a breeze, so maybe it’s worth loosening the purse strings!

The-7 Theme review + WP Bakery page builder

Extra plug-ins

As the maestro behind this The-7 review, I'm impressed by the treasure trove of free plugins in this theme. We're talking about the star-studded WP Bakery page builder and its best buddy, Ultimate Add-ons. But wait, there's more! You also get Convert Plus for crafting eye-catching pop-ups, Go Pricing for sleek pricing tables, and the crème de la crème, Slider Revolution 6. This slider plugin is the LeBron James of sliders, performing flawlessly on every device, from laptops to mobiles.

Design wizard

This theme comes with a Design Wizard that guides you through setting up headers, footers, logos, and more. It's a valuable tool for beginners who are new to website creation, helping to ensure nothing is overlooked.

Import functions

The import function allows you to bring in entire demo websites, complete with images and slides, with just a few clicks. You can also import single pages from a demo using a special URL, mixing and matching pages from different demos to create your own unique website.

Compatible with WPML

WPML-translation supported

This theme is ready for translation with WPML, making it easy to create multilingual websites. The theme already supports 10 different languages, so you only need to focus on translating your own content.

Additionally, this theme is compatible with popular plugins like WooCommerce, WPML, Yoast SEO, All in One WP Migration, W3 Total Cache, and more, ensuring smooth integration and enhanced functionality.

The7 theme review final words

This theme is available for just $39, offering great value for the features it provides. If you're interested in learning more, visit the theme page on Themeforest for all the details.

Visit The7 theme

The-7 vs Astra conclusion

Thank you for reading this The-7 vs Astra comparison to the end. Both of these themes can be used for any type of website. My choice is Astra due to its faster loading times. Both have beautiful designs, but Astra runs more smoothly. Additionally, Astra is more cost-effective if you have multiple websites, as The-7 requires an extra license for each site at full price.

Rating Features with Stars ⭐

Feature Astra The-7
Page Builder ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Speed ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Customization ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Demo Sites 180+ 40+
Mobile Friendliness ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
SEO Features ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Pricing ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Plugin Compatibility ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Support ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Regular Updates ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐


1. Which theme is better for a beginner?

Astra is generally easier for beginners due to its user-friendly interface and extensive support resources.

2. Can I use these themes with WooCommerce?

Yes, both Astra and The-7 are fully compatible with WooCommerce, making them great choices for e-commerce sites.

3. Are these themes SEO-friendly?

Absolutely, both themes come with built-in SEO features, but Astra has a slight edge with its comprehensive schema markup integration.

4. Do these themes offer free versions?

Astra offers a robust free version with ample features, while The-7 does not have a free version.

5. What is the cost of the Pro versions?

The Pro version of Astra starts at $59 per year, while The-7 is available for a one-time fee of $39.


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