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Divibuilder vs Thrive Architect [2024] 💥

DiviBuilder vs Thrive Architect

DIVIBUILDER (Divi vs Thrive)

Divi is the best-selling Wordpress page builder ever...

Divi 5 Theme

Dear readers, let's take a moment to appreciate a milestone. The Divi theme has been a cornerstone in the WordPress ecosystem for a decade. The advent of Divi 5 marks a significant leap forward. Now's your chance to acquire your Divi license at an exceptional value.

This overview aims to be engaging and insightful, much like a conversation about Divi itself. Have you visited the Divi website lately? It's a digital work of art, showcasing the best in web design.


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DIVI AI (Text & Image Generator)

Efficient Content Generation: Move beyond traditional brainstorming with Divi AI. This tool empowers you to effortlessly create text, images, or entire sections with a simple click. It’s intuitive and anticipates your needs, making content creation seamless.

Customized Content Creation: Divi AI adapts to your brand's unique voice. Provide some initial input, and it crafts a website that truly connects with your audience.

Instantaneous Image Generation: Need a specific image? With Divi AI, you can quickly generate the perfect visual, aligned with your content's context.

Image Enhancement: If you have an image that’s nearly perfect, Divi AI can refine it to your exact specifications. It’s like having an expert photo editor at your disposal.

Eliminating Writer's Block: Facing a blank page? Divi AI offers innovative ideas and solutions, making writer's block a thing of the past.

Exceptional Content On-Demand: Divi AI goes beyond basic content generation. Present it with a topic and format, and it rapidly produces high-quality content, functioning like a highly skilled content creator.

Advanced Copy Editing: Divi AI’s capabilities extend to enhancing your existing content. Whether it's adjusting the tone or improving clarity, Divi AI acts like a proficient editor, ensuring your content is polished to perfection.

Divi AI


Explore the newest features of Divi, including the Advanced Gradient Builder. This tool elevates gradient creation, offering a wide range of possibilities similar to an artist’s palette, but specifically for gradients.

Divi Theme Advanced Gradients


Another exclusive feature from Divi is the Divi Layout Cloud. It’s like having a comprehensive repository in the cloud where you can access various elements such as sections, columns, complete pages, images, videos, and audio files for your web projects. It’s an invaluable tool for professional web designers and agencies.

Divi Theme Layout Cloud


Check out Divi’s capabilities for creating online stores. Its customization options for product and category pages using the WooBuilder and WooModules are impressive. Explore 229 different Divi demos (1685 templates) to see its extensive capabilities.

Divi Theme Webshops

Divi 1-click demo lay-outs

Divi Theme Online Stores

Interested in a demonstration? View this informative video featuring the Divi's Woocommerce-Builder. Divi stands out in the realm of web design, especially for creating an online store. Its plethora of customization options for product and category pages using the WooBuilder and WooModules is impressive. Additionally, take a moment to explore these 229 different Divi demos (1685 templates). The sheer volume and variety are remarkable, showcasing Divi's extensive capabilities.

The Divi demo library is akin to a fashionably curated collection, overflowing with elegant shop layouts ready to enhance your project instantly. Utilizing the WooBuilder for shop styling is remarkably intuitive, making the design process efficient and effective. The front-end adjustments are streamlined, allowing for swift and easy customization. Moreover, all these demos are crafted using the Divibuilder, which, along with Elementor Pro, ranks among the elite in page builder platforms.

DIVIBUILDER (Pagebuilder)


Introducing the DiviBuilder, a standout among page builders for WordPress. Its precision and user-friendly interface ensure that your website looks exactly as you envision during the creation process. The DiviBuilder offers a comprehensive suite of elements and effects, enabling you to design pages with exceptional speed and efficiency.

Additionally, acquiring Divi comes with a significant benefit: the DiviBuilder is included as a separate plugin. This offers the versatility to use it with other themes, enhancing your web design toolkit. Interested in experiencing it firsthand? Test the DiviBuilder now by visiting the Divi website. This opportunity allows you to explore its features in a practical setting, giving you a hands-on experience in web design.


Divi Theme Speed

In the competitive world of website themes, where loading times are crucial, Divi has emerged as a leader. Thanks to its recent speed enhancements, Divi now stands out as one of the fastest loading themes in the WordPress ecosystem. This significant improvement can be likened to a race car effortlessly outpacing its competitors. To understand the extent of this advancement and what it means for your website, watch this video that delves into the details of Divi's Speed Upgrade. This update effectively transforms your website's performance.


Divi Theme Effects

Divi Effect equips you with powerful tools to modify your images with ease. Adjust exposure, experiment with colors, apply creative effects like inversion, or add a vintage touch with a sepia tone – Divi offers a wide array of options. For those who want to play with transparency, Divi allows you to set the exact degree, adding a unique touch to your images.

One of the significant advantages of using Divi for image editing is the preservation of image quality. Unlike some desktop programs that might degrade the image upon editing, Divi maintains the original quality, allowing for further adjustments whenever needed. In our review of the Divi Theme, this feature scores impressively. It's akin to having a fully-equipped photo studio right within your computer, without the need for additional software.


Divi Theme Transforms

Discover the capabilities of Divi's Transforms by watching this video. This versatile tool functions similarly to a Swiss Army knife for web content, offering the ability to rotate, mirror, skew, and manipulate texts and images with great flexibility. Comparable to the "CTRL+T" command in Photoshop, it allows for sophisticated editing and adjustment of content elements. This unique feature sets Divi apart from other themes, offering enhanced creative control for your website without any additional complexity.


Divi Theme Shape Dividers

Prepare to elevate your website to new heights of digital excellence! With DiviBuilder, your site will stand out prominently, showcasing its superior design and functionality. Gone are the days when integrating dynamic shapes into your website felt as challenging as solving a Rubik's Cube.

Regardless of your technical expertise, whether it harks back to the '90s or aligns with the 2020s, DiviBuilder simplifies the process of adding sophisticated shapes to your site. It's straightforward and efficient, accessible to all skill levels. For an insight into this creative feature, watch this video to explore Divi's Shape Dividers. This tool is akin to adding a distinctive, powerful identity to your website.


Divi Theme Bulk Edit

Recall the times when website development felt repetitive and time-consuming, similar to performing the same task repeatedly? For instance, modifying the style of multiple blocks individually was a lengthy process. But with Divi's Bulk Edit feature, those days are a thing of the past. Now, you can efficiently update several blocks simultaneously, streamlining your design process significantly. This feature is a remarkable time-saver. To see this efficient feature in action, watch this video showcasing Divi's Bulk Editing.


Divi Theme Drop Shadows

The need for complex software like Photoshop for simple image enhancements is now obsolete. While Photoshop is powerful, it can be more than what's necessary for basic tasks. Divi's Drop Shadows feature introduces a user-friendly way to add shadows to your images. This tool allows for easy creation and adjustment of shadows, all while preserving the original image for any subsequent modifications. It offers a level of control and simplicity. Interested in seeing how it works? watch this video for a demonstration and further information on Divi's Drop Shadows.


Divi Theme split testing

Every business aims to stand out in the digital landscape, attracting leads and conversions effectively. Traditional methods often involve continuous page adjustments. However, with Divi Leads, optimizing your website becomes more strategic and efficient. This feature allows you to experiment with various layout and text options. Divi then acts as an analytical tool, identifying which versions resonate most effectively with visitors. To gain insight into this innovative approach to website optimization, watch this video on Divi's Split Testing.

The Divi Theme and DiviBuilder are equipped with an extensive range of features and tools. While it's possible to extend this review to cover all these aspects in detail, the most effective way to understand their full potential is by direct exploration. I encourage you to visit the Divi Website here for a comprehensive overview and firsthand experience of what Divi has to offer.


At Divi, the approach to acquiring a theme is refreshingly different. Rather than just purchasing a product, you gain an exclusive membership to a sophisticated community of web designers. This membership is far from ordinary; it's a privileged access to 86 premium themes, including Divi, a range of highly effective plugins, and an extensive library of images. Regarding value, Divi represents an exceptional deal. It's modestly priced annually, compared to standard themes. In contrast, many other themes offer limited support, typically for six months, and then charge significantly for additional assistance.

For those looking to make a long-term investment, a one-time payment of $249 offers comprehensive access to all features, including lifetime support. It's akin to having a reliable partner in your digital endeavors, always available to assist.


As we conclude this Divi theme review for [2024], let's recognize the substantial value it offers. Choosing Divi isn't merely a purchase; it's an investment in a robust web-building platform. Picture it as the Swiss Army knife of web design, equipped with an array of essential tools and features. Challenges and limitations seem nonexistent with Divi. It's versatile enough to create stylish webshops, professional corporate sites, or personal blogs with equal ease. Plus, by choosing Divi, you join an exclusive community of over 974,872 members, each skilled in web design. With Divi, buyer's remorse is unlikely – it's an investment that continues to yield returns.

Divi provides a one-month money-back guarantee. If, for any reason, you're not satisfied with your purchase, you have the option to request a refund. This level of customer assurance is not commonly offered by other themes, reflecting Divi's confidence in their product and its ability to meet your needs.

Visit Divi


Thrive architect review

In this Divi vs Thrive comparison we will now discuss the fantastic features of the Thrive Architect. Although the Thrive Architect is one of the newest page builders on the market for Wordpress, we must of course not forget that the page builder originated from the Thrive Content Builder plugin that had already made a name for itself. Thrive Architect is just like Divi a front and back-end WYSIWYG drag and drop editor.

The Thrive Architect user interface

Thrive Architect user interface

Thrive Architect works perfectly with all possible Wordpress themes and is basically not just a page builder but offers 200+ demo layouts that you can import to use as a start for your website, we will come back to this later. Professionals are very enthusiastic about these page builders but also every starting website builder must be able to handle this page builder very quickly.

The user interface is very precise and well-arranged. Everything feels smooth and your worksheet is your entire screen, if necessary the content bar on the left can also be collapsed. With Thrive Architect you can build pages, home pages, posts, landing pages and other content at lightning speed.

Thrive Architect full width

Content items can be picked up from the sidebar and placed on your worksheet in the columns and sections. You can then pick them up again, drag them to another location or scale them. You have one of the best inline text editors with Thrive.

The best inline text editor

Thrive Architect inline text-editor

Many page builders have a text editor where you write in a screen what is then moved to the worksheet but with Thrive you write the text immediately where it will be. This works much nicer and faster and in this Divi pagebuilder vs Thrive Architect review we must definitely give the points to Thrive for the best text editor.

Mobile preview

Thrive Architect Review Mobile preview

Thrive shows you very sharply via the Mobile preview mode how your website will look on both tablet and mobile. Another nice feature is that Thrive will regularly remind you to save your work. Always a good idea of course.

Revision manager

Thrive Architect Review Revision manager

Thrive Architect has just like Divi and Elementor a revision manager with which you can undo your work. Unique is that with Thrive you can use the undo and redo buttons on your keyboard to take small adjustments a step back. Conclusion in this review, the Thrive user interface can withstand the best page builders and even has a few unique top features.

The Thrive Architect options and settings

Clear options menu

Thrive Architect Review options menu

In the image above you can immediately see how much control you have over the module you selected. Just like with the Divi Pagebuilder, with Thrive there is nothing short of options, everything has been thought of. At the top you will see a menu that shows specific options. A lot of searching for the option you need is no longer needed that way, everything is found quickly.

Side menu advanced options

Thrive Architect Review Side menu advanced options

By clicking on "advanced" in the menu at the bottom, several additional options appear. Depending on the element you clicked on, these options are different. But think, among other things, of responsive settings for mobile, tablet, margin and fill properties, animation effects and much more.

Text animations review

Thrive Architect Text animations

Thrive Architect Text animations 2

Add beautiful text animations in the simplest way. The operation for it is easier than with all other page builders that I know included Divi, Avada, Elementor and BeaverBuilder.

The Thrive Architect page elements

Thrive Architect page elements

Thrive Architect offers a large collection of elements that you can add to your pages. All of these elements can in turn be fine tuned. In all elements you will find a great emphasis on conversion, many call-to-action options. Thrive consciously helps you achieve more sales, a wonderful tool and stands out above other top page builders in this regard. The widgets of other plug-ins in your website can also be displayed via the Thrive page builder.

Ready-made demo pages

Thrive Architect Ready-made demo pages

The Thrive demo library has 200+ ready-made pages with beautiful designs. Many of these, just like the content modules, have a strong focus on conversion and call-to-action, of which we give you a few examples below.

Thrive Architect call-to-action

Thrive Architect demo pagina conversion 2

Thrive Architect demo pagina conversion page 3

Despite the fact that there are certainly standard company pages and normal landing pages in the library, it is certain that Thrive Architect must considerably expand its library. It should have at least 50 complete site demos and 300 demo pages to offer a good selection of 1-click designs to be installed as other top page builder / themes have.

Thrive Architect prices

Thrive Architect prices

The Thrive membership (25 sites) costs you $ 228 a year. For 5 sites you pay 97 dollars per year and for a single website 67 dollars. We can already say that the prices are on the high side compared to other top page builders and certainly with the Divi Theme which is very reasonable with its prices compared to the material you get for your money.

Divi Theme vs Thrive Architect Conclusion

First of all thanks for reading this Divi vs Thrive comparison till the end. The page builder itself that Thrive offers is better than Divi's in a number of areas, but the supplied material that can be used is (still) substandard unfortunately. The inline text editor that Thrive offers will soon also offer Divi an upgrade as well as other facets that we found better about Thrive. So if you buy a lifelong membership at Divi that they offer cheaply, you will be (much) cheaper. If you only want to purchase one of the 2 then I would definitely recommend Divi. As a web designer I prefer to have all top page builders available, but that will not be necessary for most of you.

Both page builders also offer a 30-day money back guarantee. So you can try them both and then draw your own conclusions as to what is best for you.


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